Western Economic Diversification Canada is providing $970,000 to a pilot project at the Univ of Alberta for converting waste agricultural materials into fuels and other chemicals. The funding will be combined with an $892,000 commitment from the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency, with the intention of seeking private investment within two years and establishing a commercial facility after five years. The project uses a lipid-to-hydrocarbon technology process to convert vegetable oils and animal fats into some products currently using fossil fuels such as gasoline, diesel, lubricants, plastics and polymers. The project is being undertaken by the Biorefining Conversions Network at the university's Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, which has been working on the technology for nine years. Its work has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council….
Organizations: | Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency, Biorefining Conversions Network, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Univ of Alberta, and Western Economic Diversification Ca |