Federal expenditures remain flat despite greater support for higher education sector

Guest Contributor
December 22, 2005

Federal expenditures remain flat despite greater support for higher education sector

Federal expenditures on S&T will remain flat in FY05-06, according to Statistics Canada. Increased funding performed by the higher education sector was offset by fewer dollars being spent intramurally or through funding to business and non-profit institutions. Federal S&T is projected to be $9.1 billion this year, the same as FY04-05. However, more funding is being devoted to R&D, reaching $5.75 billion in FY05-06, up 2.2% from the previous year. R&D now comprises 63.1 cents of every $1 spent on S&T.

Intramural R&D expenditures are expected to decrease 5.3% this year to $2.14 billion, with particularly steep year-over-year declines at National Defence ($185 million/-24.7%) and the Canadian Space Agency ($122 million/-16.4%). Federal R&D expenditures performed by the higher education sector continue to display healthy growth, increasing $359 million or 16.4% in FY05-06 to $2.55 billion. The bulk of the increase ($331 million) flowed to higher education R&D in the natural sciences

Funding performed by the business sector was down 6.4% for the year to $705 million, while funding performed by Canadian non-profit institutions declined 38.7% to $111 million. Foreign performance of federal R&D dollars was up 9.1% to $168 million.

When broken down by activity, the vast majority of $5.75 billion in federal spending is categorized as current expenditures ($5.3 billion), followed by administration ($281 million) and capital ($170 million). The largest expenditure for related scientific activity is devoted to data collection ($1.6 billion), followed by information services ($728 million), special services and studies ($606 million), education support ($260 million), capital spending ($99 million) and administration of extramural programs ($61 million).



($ millions)
Year  Main Estimates  S&T  R&D  
94-95  160,738     5,827  3,657  
95-96  164,191     5,693  3,465  
96-97  156,985     5,694  3,391  
97-98  149,555     5,509  3,379  
98-99  145,457     5,802  3,578  
99-00  151,559     6,252  3,890  
00-01  156,157     6,707  4,150  
01-02  165,234     8,169  4,989  
02-03  170,367     8,104  4,927  
03-04  175,937     8,767  5,462  
04-05  183,290     9,114  5,631  
05-06  185,863     9,115  5,753  
Source: Statistics Canada, Vol 29, No 7


($ millions)
Department/Agency  00-01  91-02  02-03  03-04  04-05  05-06
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada  354  329  267  252  265  247
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd  136  178  147  179  162  190
Canada Foundation for Innovation  188  239  332  365  309  561
Canadian Institutes of Health Research  384  522  622  687  712  765
Canadian Inter’l Development Agency  57  56  53  62  76  73
Canadian Space Agency  298  317  309  256  300  324
Environment Canada  144  222  207  264  231  226
Fisheries & Oceans Canada  130  123  140  71  70  69
Genome Canada  —-  34  62  86  89  28
Health Canada  65  102  105  103  62  57
Industry Canada  288  503  371  375  251  282
Inter’l Development Research Centre  76  65  67  66  79  81
National Defence  274  281  261  282  357  291
National Research Council  591  644  718  698  706  634
Natural Resources Canada  388  335  285  420  336  330
NSERC  500  517  573  638  713  755
SHRC  105  325  148  402  466  495
Statistics Canada  13  16  19  20  16  18
Other  149  164  216  208  297  298
Total  4,150  4,989  4,927  5,462  5,631  5,753

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