Editorial - 15-16

Guest Contributor
October 10, 2001

The recent meeting of federal and provincial S&T ministers is a milestone of sorts, and not only because it’s the first time they’ve managed to get together since 1992. The real breakthough is the apparent agreement by the federal government to properly consult with the provinces before introducing new S&T programs for which matching provincial support is required.

There’s no mention of this agreement in the final communiqué, of course. Politicians prefer to work the back rooms rather than lay out their full agenda for all to see. But if the agreement is solid and implemented, it marks the beginning of a new era of cooperation that’s long overdue. More importantly, the decision to consult could provide a key link in Ottawa’s strategy to move Canada from 15th to 5th in R&D spending among major industrialized nations.

There’s no way the federal government can achieve this imposing task alone, and there are many who believe it’s unattainable no matter the levels of consultation and collaboration. But close federal-provincial cooperation may give the goal a fighting chance.

Provincial governments have clearly been frustrated by the financial demands imposed on them by such laudable programs as the Canada Foundation for Innovation and Genome Canada. By consulting early and maintaining open lines of communication, however, the willingness of the provinces to embrace the federal innovation agenda will be made that much stronger. Too bad they didn’t see fit to share their commitment to consult with the public. Some things never change.

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