Editorial - 15-4

Guest Contributor
March 5, 2001

It's getting more difficult by the day to seriously question the contention that the 21st Century belongs to biotechnology. Judging by the level of activity so far this year, it seems that every sector of society and every level of government is jumping on the biotech band wagon to avoid missing a window of opportunity and losing out to some other jurisdiction.

This issue of RE$EARCH MONEY is devoted to an assortment of biotech data, reports and funding initiatives that indicate how dynamic the sector is becoming, from basic research to commercialization and cluster development. That makes the need for prudent decision-making and effective communication even more crucial, for the vast majority of Canadians are still embryonic in their understanding of biotechnology and its implications.

Is the wholesale stampede to embrace biotechnology moving too quickly? Are effective check and balances in place to ensure health and environmental safety? Are the social, legal and ethical implications properly understood? These questions elicit different answers depending on whom you address them to, but the need for more research and better information has never been greater.

It's been one year since we re-launched RE$EARCH MONEY under new ownership and we'd like to know how we're doing. Included inside this issue is a brief questionnaire. Please take a moment to fill it out and fax it back to us. The feedback will be most helpful in allowing us to serve your information needs.


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