A major Canada-India S&T Mapping Study says that current linkages between the two countries are weak but that India represents “a huge opportunity for participation by Canadian S&T institutions” The report notes that India plans to double its investment in S&T to $8.5 billion in its current 10-year plan. It contains a wide range of recommends including a coordinated S&T strategy and support for private sector participation through the Industrial Research Assistance Program. It also identifies key areas for collaboration — chemistry, physics, engineering, technology, biology, biomedical and clinical medicine, earth and space sciences, environmental sciences, ocean engineering and health informatics. The report includes a discussion of strategic issues, the S&T vision of both countries in the context of the global economy and a 10-year scientometric and technometric study. Sponsored by the Departments of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and Industry Canada, the study was co-chaired by Dr David Johnston, president of the Univ of Waterloo and Dr Ravi Seethapathy, chair of the Canadian Advisory Council of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute. It can be found at www.iccc.org....